Thursday 6 November 2014

BCO Coastal Gems: Jervis Inlet

Jervis Inlet is the principal inlet of the British Columbia Coast.  It slices through the Coastal Mountain range, narrowly zigzagging over 80 km through stunning granite-walled cliffs and forested mountains. This inlet is the deepest of British Columbia’s Inlets reaching depths of over 720 meters or 2,400 ft. and is located about 95 km northwest of Vancouver The inlet was named by George Vancouver after Rear Admiral Sir John Jervis.

Like elsewhere on the rugged BC Coast, Jervis Inlet was involved in the logging and fishing industry in the 19th and 20th centuries. It also has a history as a seasonal settlement for local First Nations.
Access points and service centers include Egmont providing access to Sechelt and Vancouver as well as Saltry Bay which provided access to the Northern Sunshine Coast and Powell River. Both of these locations are approx. 25miles travel by boat. There are no roadways into Jervis Inlet, this is another of the boat in areas of the coast. The remote location and breath-taking beauty make it a location for outdoor enthusiasts.
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