Thursday, 10 April 2014

Traveling on the Wing

Seaplanes are a part of life on the coast. The planes are used to transport people, mail and goods between communities all over coastal BC, as well as to the US. Campbell River is a hub for seaplane travel, with routes radiating out to communities on the islands as well as along the more remote central and northern mainland coastline.

It is not unusual for Ed or Shelley to hop on a mail run to get out to a property. These mail runs are scheduled year-round and are crucial for the more remote communities. Seats are often available to people looking to get out to these areas, and pick up can be scheduled or arranged for the next mail day. Of course, charter flights are also common.  Fishing lodges, wilderness tours, logging camps and fish farms all book charter flights to get people, and goods, to and from their remote locations.

Float planes aren't just for servicing remote communities however. Many business people are finding that float plane is a quick and economical way to travel between even large urban centres these days. Harbour to harbour flight back and forth between Victoria and Vancouver is very common, even for people looking to visit for the week-end. With the cost and time of ferry/car travel, harbour to harbour flights are becoming a great alternative for getting quickly to your chosen destination.

Children here grow up seeing float planes land and take-off on a regular basis. There is nothing quite so spectacular as a plane coming down over your head as it comes in to land on the water beside you.

Come to the coast and you will soon see that these wonderful planes are an integral and daily part of life.
It's a Coastal Lifestyle ... Pass It On!

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