Thursday 9 January 2020

5 Tips to Help Sell Your Home in the Winter

There can be benefits to selling your home in the winter - fewer properties on the market means yours can stand out and be seen for instance. But there are challenges as well. These 5 tips can  help you get the most out of a winter listing!

1. Lighting
In the winter, especially on the coast where it is often grey outside in the winter months, lighting is crucial. Check that all your lights are bright, change out any weak or dim bulbs.  Look for dark areas in the house and see if lamps or strategically placed lighting will enhance those areas. Warm light in the winter is nice or try using the daylight-style bulbs.

2. Warmth
People love to feel cozy in the winter, but keep in mind that they will be coming in with coats on after being out in the cold air, so a house interior will already feel warmer to them. In other words you want the home warm but not hot. A nice throw on the couch and some soft accent pillows will enhance the cozy feeling.
Photo by Stephanie Harvey on Unsplash

3. Cleaning
In the winter when the outside spaces are dormant and cold the inside needs to shine even more.  Make sure the indoor living spaces are sparkling. Flooring in the winter can quickly become muddy and dirty, so keep watch on that. Also mud rooms and entryways in the winter quickly get cluttered with coats, boots and gear which need to be cleared away.

4. Outdoor Lighting and Entryway
While people won’t spend as much time looking at the outside of the property in the winter, they will notice a dirty entryway or one that is not well lit. Keep it clean and bright, so the entrances are reassuring, welcoming and safe.
Photo by Nathan Walker on Unsplash

5. Bring the Outdoors In
With very little colour outside, having some fresh flowers or a plant or two inside the home improves people’s moods without them even realizing why. A kitchen or dining room table with flowers in a vase, a green plant in the living room, or even a colourful bowl of fruit can add a fresh and inviting ambiance to a home.
Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

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