Thursday 19 September 2013

BC Coastal Hidden Gems: Haida Gwaii

Haida Gwaii is one of those places that people consider in mystical terms - it's a magical place somewhere off the coast of BC, the BC Archipelago. But not many people actually go there, so although its name is well known it is still considered a hidden gem here at BCO.
Haida Gwaii

You can fly into Haida Gwaii or you can take the ferry from Prince Rupert on the BC mainland coast. The two main islands, Graham Island and Moresby Island, are separated by a small strait which you cross by ferry.
on the ferry to Graham Island

The main population centres are Sandspit, Masset and Charlotte City. Other populated areas are Port Clements and Tlell. The bigger communities average 1000 people, so the islands definitely have a small town vibe, where neighbours all help each other out. It's also one of those places that attracts a wide variety of people who have chosen to live a little farther away from major cities, etc, and this variety adds colour to the region.

Haida Gwaii is known for its First Nations culture and its amazing natural beauty. The most well-known beach is North Beach, outside Masset - where you can find miles of sand dunes and beach to explore.

Fishing is another thing that Haida Gwaii is known for, and many people enjoy visiting the remote lodges in the area. No trip is complete without some time out on a boat!

Haida Gwaii is one of those places that remains in your thoughts for a long time, and is certainly worth the time to get there.

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