Thursday 2 April 2015

Use of Water in BC

Remote properties do not generally tie in to a city water system and so one needs to think about how to collect and use water for domestic purposes. In BC water is often used for power as well, even on small properties. If there is a stream or other ground water source either on or near the property, then there is a possibility of using that water as a resource.

Having water available on your property does not automatically mean it can be used. All ground water use requires a license in the province of B.C. The application process is clear, and the Province will take a number of things into consideration when deciding to grant a license. One of the first things will be to see if anyone else has a license on that source. You can find this out yourself on line here.

Having a water license in place for power or domestic water use is a nice feature for a remote property, as it eases the concern over water resources. One can also apply for a short-term water use permit, for instance to use a local water source while one drills a well. This is a different application from the more permanent license.

The Province of BC has excellent information about this process at the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. That webpage can be found here.

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